1921 APC Surgery
Limited places...
4pm to 4.45pm
on club event dates at Brewpoint (in the bar area)
Book online >
APC support, advice and guidance...
and it's free to attend!

Jon Lever FRICS
Any questions contact jon@DeLever.com
The 1921 APC Surgery is for anyone involved in the APC.
An opportunity to come along to an event focused solely on APC support, advice and guidance, facilitated by Jon Lever FRICS.
The APC Surgery does not have any defined agenda, Jon is a Chartered QS and has spent 25+ years advising anyone and everyone on the APC.
For example, come and chat about:
APC Candidate, Supervisor & Counsellor roles and responsibilities
Employer APC support programmes
APC Routes
Your APC Journey and progress
APC Diary and Logbook (See the free: www.DeLever.com/myapcdiary)
Competencies (within Jon’s competence & experience)
Summary of Experience
Case Studies
Hints and tips
Free resources (See the free: www.DeLever.com/freeresources)
Or anything else 'APC' you want to discuss
Following the APC Surgery all attendees are welcome to attend The Surveyors 1921 Club CPD event, as Jon's guest, from 530pm to 730pm,
See events here
Location: Brewpoint, Bedford - Bar Area
Date: First Thursday of each month (See ticket availability)
Time: 4pm to 4.45pm (prompt)
Book your place
Who is Jon Lever FRICS?
Chartered QS (29yrs)
Managing Director of DeLever (23+yrs)
APC Chair of assessors (26+yrs)
RICS training advisor
(19yrs) -
RICS Assessor trainer
(10,500+ trained) -
Facilitated over 2,500 Assessments and mocks
Trained and supported 1,000's of candidates world wide
RICS Involvement - Previously a Board member, Governing council, ethics, regulation.
And available to help and support YOU!